Saturday, December 31, 2011


Vest, second hand / Bomberjacket, second hand / Turtleneck, h&m / Necklace, second hand
Trousers, .. ehm / Shoes, second hand / Bag, second hand

New year, simpelthen! Jeg er s� sindssygt be�ret over alt hvad der er sket for mig i 2011. Nye mennesker er kommet ind i mit liv, mennesker som har f�et en k�mpe plads i mit hjerte og deler den med alle de fantastiske der i forvejen danser rundt. Jeg har f�et en masse oplevelser i forbindelse med min blog og har de seneste m�neder arbejdet som stylist for blandt andet Wanted, oplevelser som jeg inderligt h�ber vil forts�tte efter vi passerer klokken 24. Jeg vil sige tak til alle jer der f�lger med, giver mig lyst til at forts�tte mine skriverier og inspirerer mig til at leve videre i glimmer og plateausko. Fonden bobler og butterflyen kr�ller, lige som det skal. Godt nyt�r!

K�rlighed fra mig.


Wednesday, December 28, 2011


Jeg har v�ltet mig i et virvar af risalamande og gavepapir de sidste dage som de fleste nok har. Julen har v�ret sk�n og omgivet af de bedste mennesker, fyldt med mad og godt hum�r. Egentlig er jeg - endnu engang - p� vej ud af d�ren, men jeg synes lige at I skulle se mit outfit fra juleaften! Blazer og t-shirt er second hand, bukser fra h&m, skoene er hjemmelavet og tasken er min mors. Ingen traditioner, ingen r�d - n�rmere noget Boy George knald something. Jeg vil hoppe ud og danse og s� vende tilbage i morgen.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas everyone! I'm back from my trip to Germany and France and have finally recovered fully from the jetlag. I spent a delightful weekend in Paris that was cold but mostly sunny, and filled with great food and even better shopping (photographic evidence to come!). Now that I have a little time off I'm hoping to get caught up with my blogging and post some photos from my trip.

In the meantime here's a recent outfit featuring this cute new dress that I found at a shop in on Fillmore Street; it turned out to be the second of two long-sleeved purple dresses I bought that day. Ordinarily I would've avoided buying similar items, but this one is a much lighter weight dress whereas the other is more of a winter weight, and this was so deeply discounted that I couldn't pass it up. You'll be seeing the other purple dress in an upcoming post.

Wishing you a happy holiday season!

Dress: Kew
Necklace: Manu Lizarralde
Boots: All Black

Saturday, December 17, 2011


Jeg stylede for Wanted i g�r. Shootet skulle v�re voldsomt pomp�st og alt for meget, s� jeg if�rte Anton masser af pels og tyld jeg havde l�nt fra blandt andet bARBARA � gONGINI. Colorblocking og ekstravagance all the way. Jeg kan love for at der skete magi p� et �de togbanespor p� Vesterbro og jeg gl�der mig s� meget til at vise de f�rdige billeder!

Thursday, December 15, 2011


Blazer, second hand / Turtleneck, H&M / Jeans, second hand / Plateaus, by me / Necklace, second hand / Bag, second hand

Wednesday, December 14, 2011



Jeg er inde i en vild tid. Hvorfor ved jeg ikke og hvad det g�r ud p� ved jeg heller ikke. Jeg omrokerer mit hoved, s�tter ting i orden og finder frem til d�t jeg har brug for. Jeg er stadig glad. Stadig fyldt med glimmer og inspiration. Stadig fyldt med liv. Kun en smule mere stille.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Fun Filled

Here's a skirt-based outfit that made the grade for the walk to work. The skirt is dense and holds its shape well; thus there's no need for a slip, either for opacity or to prevent the skirt from clinging to my legs. To me that makes a world of difference, because half slips make an outfit feel like they're in need of constant adjustment. You've got multiple waistbands to deal with, and then you have to make sure the slip isn't hanging out at the bottom of your skirt hem or twisting around in some awkward way. I want to start experimenting with full slips under a skirt and top, because I think that might be a better option. There are so many things you never notice about outfits until you have to walk a long way in them.

I've had a fun-filled couple of days. On Thursday night Mark and I attended the annual holiday party at Anchor Brewing Company, where we ate delicious food, sampled the new Christmas Ale, and even got some VIP access into the distillery and the rooftop bar (thanks to my fabulous inside connection). Reporters from the Celebrator and 7x7 Magazine were in attendance, so who knows, Mark and I might even end up in their pages.

On Friday I had the pleasure of finally meeting Lisa, aka LPC, in person for lunch downtown. She is vibrant and intelligent and a delight to talk to; I felt like I'd known her for years. For all her talk of being a Sturdy Gal, I suspect she has a big streak of Arty Cousin lurking just below the surface, so I'm looking forward to going shopping together and seeing how much of that comes out.

On Saturday Mark and I attended my company holiday party at Foreign Cinema here in the city. I wore my Valentino dress with Wolford tights and Miu Miu shoes, a combination I've been wanting to put together for quite awhile. And yes, I was too lazy to take photos.

I'm headed off on my trip to Germany and France today; see you next week!

Jacket: thrifted
Skirt: Marc by Marc Jacobs
Boots: Ecco
Necklace: Wendy Brandes

Thursday, December 8, 2011




�rsagen til mit frav�r de sidste dage er denne lille installation af en butik .. eller, my new closet! Dem af jer der har l�st med i laaaang tid kan m�ske huske at jeg f�rhen har opbevaret mit t�j i noget � la en stor sort grotte med helvedes mange l�ger. Jeg ved ikke noget mindre inspirerende end et kl�deskab - t�j skal h�nge frit, fuldst�ndig uorganiseret og eventyrligt. Vintage-butik i eget hjem, hurra!

Nu er der kommet en smule mere lykke p� lykkebunken.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


Spencer is becoming quite the handsome dog, is he not? He's also more than twice the size he was when we brought him home. At about 8 months, he now weighs 65 pounds and is a couple inches taller than Georgie. Since his knee injury is still a problem and we can't yet have surgery performed on it (and would rather avoid it entirely if we can), he's now having regular sessions of therapeutic swimming in a heated pool. Seriously, if I had wanted children, they would've turned out to be the most spoiled assholes the world has ever known. It's a good thing for everyone that my nurturing impulses are focused on dogs.

A couple of weekends ago I went on a shopping excursion with a friend of mine who's also Mark's ex-girlfriend (yeah, you read that right). We ostensibly went shopping specifically to find her an outfit for her birthday party, but along the way I made a few purchases of my own. You know how it is.

This coral cardigan and teal pants were two of the spoils from our excursion. My friend and I spotted the pants right away, but in bright orange. When we got over to the rack however, I found that the teal pair was a lot prettier. They're a micro-corduroy fabric with a good amount of stretch, and are crazy comfortable. I've already worn them a few times and they've proven to fit in really well with my quick-conversion, walking to work dressing strategy.

Cardigan, pants: Anthropologie
Top: Express, a gift
Shoes: Fly London

Monday, December 5, 2011

Quick Conversion

One thing I've noticed since I've been walking to work is that I'm wearing pants a lot more often, I think because they feel less fussy -- there's no slip to deal with, or a skirt that's clinging to my tights, or blowing in the wind, or whatever. There have been a couple of times where I've changed my entire outfit once I got to work, but that involves a lot more hauling of stuff than I'm willing to do most days (especially since I often also walk home and thus have to haul everything for 6 miles). So my goal is generally to build an outfit where I can wear it mostly in its finished state, and change or add one or two things once I get to the office. Don't worry, I'm still looking for ways to make my skirt and dress-based outfits easy to wear for the walks, and I'll happily share any new tricks I hit upon.

This is an example of just the sort of quick-conversion outfit I'm after. I wore my Bastien short boots for the walk, and carried the tall boots as well as the white cardigan in my backpack. Then when I got to work it was quick and easy to convert the outfit for the work day.

Next week I'll be traveling to Germany and France on business (I know, I know -- what a sacrifice, right?), so I'm definitely going to be putting some of these new tactics to work for my travel outfits. In fact I think a couple of the pieces in this outfit will be making the trip with me. I'm going first to Dusseldorf and Strasbourg, and then spending the weekend in Paris before coming home. Dusseldorf and Strasbourg are for work, but the Paris weekend is all mine. Good thing I haven't started my Christmas shopping yet!

Tunic: All Saints
Knit pants: Club Monaco
Cardigan: 12th Street Cynthia Vincent
Boots: Modern Vintage
Necklace: Wendy Brandes
Photo 05-12-11 14.53.52
Photo 05-12-11 15.20.20 (HDR)

Meningen var egentlig at vise hvad jeg har k�rt rundt i i dag, men n�r man st�r foran Den Sorte Diamant med en fint fint kamera uden hukommelseskort og en iPhone er mulighederne alts� ikke gode. Is�r ikke n�r solen er g�et ned inden jeg har overvejet at st� op. Well.

Jeg havde lyst til at se noget nyt i dag ovenp� alt det sygdom og tog derfor p� udstilling. Gregory Crewdson's 'In a Lonely Place' vises lige nu og gjorde mit kamera-issue endnu mere irriterende. Det er nemlig sindssygt smukke fotografier der h�nger p� v�ggene. Se dem hvis du kan - det er 'umiddelbart' gratis og virkelig inspirerende!

Saturday, December 3, 2011


Je m'appelle .. healthy guy. Once again.

Jeg er ovenp� og har k�bt t�j.

Friday, December 2, 2011


Jacket, borrowed / Turtleneck, h&m / Tights, Asos / Shoes, second hand

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Happy Feet

Here's an outfit that I put together specifically for comfort while walking to work. For the walk I wore my Bastien short boots, and packed the ones you see here (which are comfortable, but not 3 miles' worth of comfortable) in my backpack for swapping once I got to work.

The Bastiens have been getting a lot of wear lately, so much so that I recently went scouring both the internets and the stores in search of some additional walking shoes, because even the best pair can't be worn every day for 3 (or more likely 6, because I often walk home too) miles of walking.

I ended up with a pair of Ecco boots, which have the bonus of being waterproof, and a pair of Romika short boots, which pretty much feel like slippers, only with really good arch support. Both meet my criteria of being cute enough to wear with most outfits during the walk, or even for the whole day if I don't feel like carrying extra shoes. My feet are happy.

Dress: Red Dress Shoppe
Cardigan: H&M
Tights: Sock Dreams
Boots: All Black

Some days are black

Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Jeg h�ber virkelig at jeg ved at v�re tilbage p� pinden igen!

Dog er jeg kun s� frisk at jeg har kunne hj�lpe flotte Rasmus med sin ans�gning til studiet i s�dan cirka hele dagen .. og hold nu op hvor skal jeg ikke i skole lige nu. Ogs� p� trods af min fuldst�ndig syret trang til at jonglere med ord. No way, jeg skal bare lige have lov at kaste mig i glimmer og balloner.

Monday, November 28, 2011


I wore this to work on Halloween, so as to be in the Halloween spirit and still not have to deal with a costume. It was a good call, because pretty much no one downtown wore a costume, and also because this was way more comfortable. And yes, Halloween was almost a month ago and I'm just getting around to posting this now. It has just been that busy lately.

If you're in the US, I hope you enjoyed your Thanksgiving weekend. I certainly did; we spent a lot of time relaxing for a change, and for Thanksgiving dinner Mark and I went to Harris's for some delicious steak. OK it wasn't exactly a traditional meal, but I've made up for it by spending the last couple of weeks warming up for International Pie For Breakfast Month with plenty of pumpkin pie. It's always Thanksgiving when there's pumpkin pie.

Dress: Skunkfunk
Tights: Sock Dreams
Boots: Modern Vintage
Necklace: Untamed Menagerie

Sunday, November 27, 2011


Jeg ligger desv�rre underdrejet med en lille influenza, s� jeg kaster mig ikke i glimmerl�kkert t�j lige pt. Eller .. jeg sidder faktisk med 36 ting i min online shoppehimmel. Jesus. Whatever - jeg elsker det.

For at I darlings ikke glemmer mig helt imens, f�r I lidt fra Nadias f�dselsdag jeg fik k�mpet mig afsted til i g�r .. endda i guldbukser! Nadia kan man nemlig ikke v�lge fra. <3

Thursday, November 24, 2011


Billeder fra

Hvis I har l�st sk�nne Ginas blog ved I at vi i g�r var ude i skoven for at skyde lidt til Wanted Magazine. Nadia var bag kameraet, Gina stylede og jeg legede les assistento. Efter s�dan en fantastisk dag tror jeg ikke p� at billederne kan blive andet end smukke - gl�der mig s���� meget til at se resultatet!

Jeg har v�ret lidt v�k de sidste dage, men jeg lover at jeg fra - forh�bentlig - nu af er tilbage med fuld knald. Nogen gange har man bare mest brug for sit eget selskab.