Friday, May 31, 2013

{Style} Weekend Ready...

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I think the title of this post says it all... Happy Friday friends! xx

Outfit details: dress- Forever 21; jacket- Maison Scotch; crossbody bag- Michael Kors (similar style here); heels- Pour la Victoire; necklace- Zara; bracelets- Winners & Joe Fresh

Thursday, May 30, 2013

{Details} Dotted Haze...

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Remember yesterday's post about working ahead, batching and doing whatever you can to stay on top of your blog? Well this post is an example of what not to do. For instance, don't neglect to take photos ahead of time and instead force yourself to pose in the rain at 5 p.m.... Just don't do it. Oh, and if you know you're going to an event after work (Cirque de Soleil, whaaaat!), do not leave the editing and writing of your next day's post until after you get home... You know, unless you actually like staying up until 1 a.m. and being a total crankasaurus at work the next day. Seriously, don't do it.

Outfit details: Blouse- Target; polka dot jeans- Forever 21; sequin bag- Topshop; spike pumps- ShoeMint; necklace- Zara; bracelet- Joe Fresh; watch- Michael Kors

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

{Life} Balancing Work + Blogging...

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Writing this blog is the single most fulfilling project I've ever worked on, and I'm always thankful/baffled that you guys pop in each day to see what's up. But as many of you well know, running a blog can be more akin to a full-time job than a side project, so figuring out how to balance work and blogging (and, well, life) can be tricky. I myself work full-time and write a weekly column (which together require me to attend about four events per week), and since people always ask how I manage to post 5x a week on top of that, I thought I would share what works for me here. I'm by no means an expert on the subject though, so if you guys have suggestions or tried-and-true tricks for balancing everything and not ending up in a straight jacket, I'm all ears... So with that said, here goes!

1. Schedule, schedule, schedule
Working ahead is the only way I'm able to post Monday to Friday, so I schedule my time down to the minute. I know exactly when I'll be taking outfit photos, how long it will take to write and promote each post, etc, so I schedule my time accordingly.

2. Make an editorial calendar
Outfit posts are one thing, but if your blog is made up of different features and content, having an editorial calendar is key. I like to sit down at the end of each month to plan DIY's, giveaways or anything else that comes to mind for the following month. This is also an opportunity to remind myself of any project/collaboration due dates I have coming up, which are easy to forget when things pile up. So in the end, not only does having an editorial calendar keep me on task, but it helps break up my content and add another dimension to my personal style-focus as well.

3. Enlist the help of friends + loved ones
This is a big one. If I didn't have supportive people around me willing to snap photos or bounce ideas off of, I would literally have to stop blogging. My co-worker Brittney is always game for snapping lunchtime photos (even in the dead of winter!), and Mr. AiF's (usually) more than happy to play the role of photographer/blog manager, listening to me go on at length about different projects and ideas. And considering the type of blog I run, there really wouldn't be an Adventures in Fashion if not for their help. 

Another great way to stay on top of content creation is to make friends with other bloggers with a similar focus to yours, and simply help each other out. For instance, no coffee date or hang out session with my pal Kastles happens without a round of outfit photos, so find a Kastles, Brittney or Lobbie of your own and get them drinking your blog's Kool-Aid, so to speak.

4. Work ahead 
Days off are definitely meant for having fun, but when the majority of your content just so happens to be generated from the outfits you wear, weekends suddenly become a fashion blogger's best friend. I like to photograph one or two looks over the weekend to have a cushion for the following week, editing photos and scheduling posts in between episodes of Girls or Downton Abbey. Besides, you never know what may come up or what the weather will be like (I found this discipline particularly helpful during the harsh winter months), so having a back stock of photos translates into less stress and time wasting later on. This applies to bloggers of all kinds � Like those adorable little boys in beige say, always be prepared

5. Batch
I find the best way to boost my productivity is to focus on one task at a time. I do that by carving out periods dedicated to different tasks throughout the day, like responding to emails or processing ads. It can be difficult balancing the creative (aka- fun) aspects of blogging with the business side of things (if that's your focus), so designating 20 min to one task or an hour to another really helps me focus and GSD rather than jumping from one thing to the next.

6. Recharge
You know how I said that days off are for having fun (in addition to working ahead)?  Well I meant it. Taking the time to relax and recharge will boost your creative juices and not only make you a better blogger, but a better person as well. So unplug, disconnect and do things that make you happy each week � Your mind and body will thank you for it.

Thanks for reading, and be sure to chime in with all your brilliant, task-juggling tricks � The more the better! xx

Photo by John Rawlings (Vogue, 1953)

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

{Style} Not With a Fizzle But With a Bang...

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Fun facts: 1. The guest star/grounding element of this outfit is a five-year-old denim jacket that I long had written off, and 2. I have a major stye situation happening right now. Luckily for me you can't really tell that my jacket is old enough for kindergarten OR that my left eyelid is swollen to nearly double its size, so let's go ahead and chalk this post up as a huge success... God bless bangs and good lighting, am I right?

Outfit details: dress- Modcloth; denim jacket- Costa Blanca (old, but similar here); clutch- BCBG; neon pumps (similar here)- Two Lips; necklace- Forever 21

Monday, May 27, 2013

{Style} Abandoned...

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Road trips seem to always be ripe with abandoned-old-building-sightings, which are like catnip for fashion bloggers. That's why I forced Mr. AiF to make a pit stop in a tiny little town to snap pics in front of an old automotive shop. I mean seriously, peeling paint, dirty windows and creepy remnants of it's past life scattered about always makes for a killer backdrop, if not only in my head. But then again lots of things seem better in my head, like fondue or the pleather-pant incident of 2001.

Outfit details: blazer- ASOS; polka dot top- Forever 21; jeans- Joe Fresh; cap toe pumps- Zara; hamilton tote- Michael Kors; woven leather belt- thrifted; necklace- H&M

Friday, May 24, 2013

{Style} Rainbow Bright...

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Yesterday was Thursday, today it is Friday � and let me tell you friends � we, we, we so excited... And in case you're wondering if I really just made a Rebecca Black reference, well yes, yes I did � Still want to be my friend?

Soooo, what's everyone getting up to this weekend? Mr. AiF and I are road tripping to BC to see my family (hurray!), and as soon as I decide which seat to take (last one, I promise) the good times are gonna roll... Happy weekending, friendlies!

But before I leave you for reals, just a quick note to congratulate Lori Bazan for winning the StyleNV clutch giveaway last week � I hope you like it, girl! xx

Outfit details: polka dot top & tights- Forever 21; pleated skirt- Club Monaco; spiked pumps- ShoeMint; leather clutch- The Pretty Secrets; necklace- Zara; sunnies- Urban Outfitters; bracelet- Joe Fresh

Thursday, May 23, 2013

{Shopping Guide} Beachwear...

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Nothing says summer quite like a trip to the beach, or better yet, some warm, tropical vacation where a cute bathing suit (and sunscreen!) is all you need. Nautical stripes, bold colours and strappy sandals make for the perfect summer uniform, so if you're in the market for some new duds this season, here's a roundup of a few items in particular that I'm coveting... Let the shopping begin!

What pieces are you guys craving for summer? I wanna know! xx

Wednesday, May 22, 2013


Vintage jacket, shoes and rings
T-shirt by A.P.C. / Trousers by Asos / Belt by Topman
Bag by Givenchy

White is definitely the best color to wear through summer - the fact that
you can use it in every kind of style and still look super chic is just perfect!
I pulled on this outfit for a windy morning some days ago running all over the city
to pick up loads of fantastic clothes for some editorial shoots.
Work, work and more lovable work. 

Until next post is up on wherefashionisfashionis follow me






{Style} Brocade...

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Now I know what you must be thinking: "Is she seriously posing in a dingy back alley AGAIN?!" But let's be real here ladies, sometimes a girl just finds herself in oddly placed stairwells, back alleys and the like... Nothing out of the ordinary in the world of blog photos, know what I'm sayin? Besides, they don't call it "street style" for nothing.

And now, allow me to draw your attention to my snazzy new shoes... Well, they're not exactly new anymore, but it's my first time wearing them since they arrived several, impossibly snowy months ago. Let's just say that my shoe addiction is steadily worsening.

Thanks for reading, friends! xx 

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Outfit details: peplum top- Urban Outfitters; skirt- Joe Fresh (borrowed from Kastles); sandals c/o Zara; necklace- Ily Couture; quilted clutch- Michael Kors

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

{Style} Impact...

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Outfit details: blazer- Target; top- Forever 21; mint jeans- Joe Fresh; neon pumps- Two Lips; clutch- H&M; skull ring- Urban Outfitters

Monday, May 20, 2013

{Style} Smitten Style...

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Mr. AiF gets bored looking at my blog when I don't write anything (his words), so I guess I felt a little peer pressured into adding some copy to this post... If you enjoy my usual, mindless ramblings, great; but if you don't, feel free to blame this one on him � I always enjoy doing so.

And in other, less accusatory news, the blogger clothing sale I mentioned Friday was a hit � I even came home with this cute little dress from my pal Jenna! Maybe we should have called the event shopaholics enabling shopaholics... xx

Outfit details: dress- Forever 21 (via Smitten); leather woven belt- thrifted; sandals- Tahari; crossbody- Coach; necklace- House of Harlow; bangle- DIY

Friday, May 17, 2013

{Style} The New Casual...

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It's the freakin' weekend (hurray!), and after what's felt like five days of running just to keep up, I'm beyond excited to have a couple days to unwind and do a little merry making. Highlights will include brunching with my mister, patio lounging (if I'm lucky) and meeting some readers while hanging with my blogging besties at our first annual clothing sale... Maaaaan, why can't every weekend be a long weekend?

Outfit details: tshirt- H&M; polka dot trousers- Forever 21; nude wedges- Pour la Victoire (similar here); clutch- BCBG; necklace- Zara; bracelet- House of Harlow; watch- Michael Kors