Saturday, June 15, 2013


My my; it's been quite awhile, hasn't it? I thought I'd be able to get around to scheduling a few posts before I left on my most recent travels, but I just didn't find the time. I had another work trip that took me to France and Scotland, and this time I added on some vacation time and visited Istanbul at the beginning of the trip (Mark even joined me for this part), and Iceland at the end. That was quite a range of climates to pack for, let me tell you! I was gone for a total of 3 weeks and got back less than a week ago. I'll share some pictures when I've got more time (and motivation).

In case you're wondering, the current troubles in Istanbul began about a day and a half after we left, so we weren't caught up in it. My thoughts are with the people who are struggling against their increasingly oppressive government, and I hope they stay strong and stand up for their right to free speech. Turkey is a very special place and I'd love to return and see more of it. I hope the people prevail and keep the government's powers in check.

Right, the outfit. This one is from early May I'm afraid, that's how far behind I've gotten with my posting. Without further ado I'll share the details.

Top: Eileen Fisher
Necklace: Leslie Danzis
Bag: Kate Spade
Cuff: a gift from my sis
Pants: Cynthia Steffe
Shoes: Gabor

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