Friday, March 30, 2012

Sharks Colors

For this outfit I wanted to bring in a little more of the teal color, but it was too chilly for just the fishnet tights alone, so I layered them over some sheer black pantyhose. I like the effect because it still looks semi-transparent, but the black underneath gave a little more depth to the teal tights and also made them more comfortable to wear. I don't really like the way fishnet tights feel under my feet, and these don't have the solid foot pads that prevent the feeling of having a pattern pressed into your skin.

I wore this outfit for a Girls' Night Out because Laura and I were going to a bar to watch the Sharks game, and teal and black are the Sharks' colors. They won that night, and I'd like to think my awesome tights layering had something to do with it. If they don't make the playoffs this year, it isn't for lack of fan support.

Dress: Escada Sport
Cardigan: Anthropologie
Boots: Brako

Shirt, Creme d� Silk / Jeans, second hand
Shoes, Dr Martens / Clutch, Zara / Sunglasses, Quay


Dr�mmer om at sidde i solen med iskolde
drinks og blive overv�ldet af lidt for mange 50'er vibes.
Yes, lige pr�cis den stemning skal med i mit n�ste shoot!

Dreaming of sitting in the sun with
ice-cold drinks and a bit too much 50-vibes all over.
This feeling is going to be my next shoot I think!


Weekend Wishes...


Another week has come and gone, and I for one am pumped it's finally over... Not that I'm getting much of a weekend� I'll be working the whole time, as well as reporting on Western Canada Fashion Week... And I don't even want to think about the piles of homework I have waiting for me when I get home! *sigh*

Hope your guys' weekends are a lot more fun/relaxing  than mine! xx

Thursday, March 29, 2012


Mens jeg har ligget i sengen er disse Dr. Martens 'Core' Shoes - og endda ogs� et par i sort - kommet ind af d�ren og jeg elsker dem allerede! Jeg besluttede en dag for l�nge siden at jeg aldrig ville komme til at rende rundt i Dr. Martens trods at jeg egentlig altid godt har kunnet lide dem, men da jeg s� disse darlings kunne jeg ikke modst�.

While laying in bed I got these Dr. Martens 'Core' Shoes - also in black - and they're already some of my favourites! I decided a long time ago that I wouldn't be one those guys walking around wearing Dr. Martens although I've actually always liked them, but I simply couldn't resist these darlings. 


The Gossip Girl...

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What do you think of when you look at this coat? Do images of Serena and Blair kicking it on the upper east side come to mind? Well they certainly do for me, and I'm guessing that they do for Sheinside, because they named it the Gossip Girl Double Button Coat. Coincidence? I think not.

I was so excited when it arrived in the mail last week, because not only was it a perfect fit, but the style was exactly what was missing from my life... It's just the right amount of preppy meets nautical, am I right?

And as if that weren't enough, Sheinside offered to give you guys 20% off any order from now until May 30 when you use the promo code "vickie20" at checkout! Not too shabby, huh? Thanks, Sheinside! xx

Outfit details: dress- Michael Kors; coat- c/o Sheinside; bag- Cambridge Satchel Co; necklace & ring- Forever 21; tights- Joe Fresh; booties & watch- Michael Kors

Wednesday, March 28, 2012


I should've put on some lipstick before I took these photos. Usually I do, mainly because the camera flash makes me look so washed out. This was one of those crazy mornings where I was really pressed for time though, so it's a wonder I managed to take pictures at all.

I have another business trip to France coming up in April, and for this one I've decided to tack on a few vacation days and head down to Lisbon. I told you I was hooked on fado! Now I get to go hear it in person at one of the authentic fado restaurants in the very city where it was created. My only problem is that now I'll have to learn a few words and phrases in that maddening language, and between that and trying to brush up on my French it might be more than I can handle.

Shirt: Promod
Vest: A. Byer
Pants: Rag & Bone
Boots: Ecco
Bracelet: Metal Pointu

Hjemvendt fra hotel. Jeg har endnu en gang haft brug for at f� lidt hj�lp til at komme ovenp� en mindre lungebet�ndelse og findes der et bedre sted at f� det end p� Riget? Det tror jeg ikke.

Jeg er glad og er igen ved at v�re klar til at v�lte videre i min historie. Der er en masse p� programmet som skal opleves og jeg ved at jeg fungerer bedst i et impulsivt og uforudsigeligt liv. Jeg elsker opleve, blive inspireret og sidde i situationer jeg p� ingen m�de havde regnet med et par timer forinden. Sommetider er jeg bare lige n�dt til at tr�kke stikket ud, restituere og blive fyldt op med gode ting.

Just got home from the hotel. Yet again I needed a helping hand to get over a minor pneumonia and is there any place better than the hospital? I think not. 

I'm happy and ready to tumble through life again. There is a lot on my agenda which must be experienced  and I know that I am at my best when my life is impulsive and unpredictable. I love to experience, to be inspired and to find myself in situations I would not otherwise have expected. Sometimes I just have to disconnect, restitute and get well again. 

Wardrobe Wednesday...


Last week I had this crazy idea to throw on all my favourite rings for a photo and, well, now you're looking at it... Can you tell that I like oversized rings? I don't know if it was all the extra weight or the fact that it was freezing out, but my fingers were seriously stiff afterward... But it was totally worth it.

What's your favourite accessory? xx


Tuesday, March 27, 2012

The Flashy Girl from Flushing...

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Is it me, or does this dress look like it was cut from my grandma's curtains? Or better yet, like it was borrowed from Fran Drescher during her stint on The Nanny? Either way, I'm totally cool with it... After all, I'm practically an 80-year-old woman at heart (ask my friends!), and I'm always down for cheesy 90's sitcoms, so it's pretty much a win-win... And did I mention that it only cost $10? "Get out of here!"*

*If this reference is lost on you, youtube The Nanny immediately... Go on, I'll wait.

Outfit details: floral dress- H&M; bag- vintage; tights- Joe Fresh; shoes- Zara; necklace- Forever 21; bracelet- Rachel Rachel Roy; ring- YSL

Monday, March 26, 2012


I assembled this outfit in my head one morning while I was in the shower. I've noticed that I do a lot of my best thinking in there; there's just something about the steam and the hot water that gets my brain going. If I could do my job entirely from the shower I'd be one hell of an employee, though I guess in that case I wouldn't need any snazzy outfits.

Have you tried outfit planning in the shower? It's quite a time-saver, since you otherwise can't really multi-task while getting clean. It also beats standing there shivering in my robe for 10 minutes while I stare at my wardrobe.

I love all the silver details in this outfit -- the zippers and eyelets on the vest, the buttons on the skirt hem, and the studs on the boots. The skirt, which I've had for ages, looks like it was made to go with the vest. The sweater is also many years old, so it's great that the vest breathed some new life into a couple of closet relics.

Vest: Cot�lac
Skirt: Banana Republic
Boots: All Black
Ring: Metal Pointu

Blue Meets World...

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You know when you see something and are instantly drawn to it, only you have no idea how to incorporate it into your wardrobe? Well that's what happened when I bought this skirt. It was bright, fun and super cheap (thank you, Forever 21!), but I couldn't for the life of me picture what to wear with it. I can typically picture a couple different looks when I'm shopping, and based on what I already have, I pick new pieces that will function with the rest... Well let me tell you, this was not one of those times. So after countless failed attempts, I gave up on greatness and settled for a simple t-shirt-and-polka-dot-tights combo. What do ya do.

Happy Monday, lovelies! xx

Outfit details: t-shirt- James Perse; skirt- Forever 21; bag- Cambridge Stachel; tights- Joe Fresh; booties- Michael Kors; necklaces- borrowed from Kastles; bracelets- Aldo Accessories; watch- Michael Kors 

Friday, March 23, 2012

(Un)Easy Rider...

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Recognize this skirt? I'm gonna go out on a limb and say no... That's because it typically doesn't get a lot of play, what with its ever-rising slip that leaves me feeling oh-so exposed. Not fun. Regardless, I decided to give it another chance because hey, that's the kind of girl I am... The result? Let's just say you probably won't be seeing this skirt again for a long, long time.

Happy Friday, friendlies! xx

Outfit details: blazer- H&M; blouse- Nine West; skirt- Urban Behaviour; shoes- Tahari; eel skin clutch- vintage; tights- Joe Fresh; watch- Michael Kors; bracelets- Aldo Accessories; ring- H&M

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Thank You Gift

For the first time all winter it got cold enough to wear this boiled wool tunic. The boots have also been suffering from neglect, so I was happy to trot them out again for what may be the last time until December.

The pretty scarf was a thank you gift from one of my former employees, who I wrote a letter of recommendation for to help her get into a graduate program. Wasn't that sweet? Not to mention that it perfectly suits my style and is incredibly soft and comfortable. For me though, the best gift of all was seeing her get accepted to the program and start down what I'm sure will be a really successful path for her. Hands down the best thing about managing people is helping them develop their careers. It's also gratifying to see that despite the fact that Americans are getting ruder, and their kids are getting brattier, there are still young people out there who have great manners.

Tunic: Promod
Pants: Club Monaco
Boots: Bos and Co.

N� men, jeg lovede jo at kigge forbi i mandags. Det skete ikke. Jeg ligger i min seng med en ordentlig omgang sygdom og en liges� stor trang til at have ondt af mig selv!
Den eneste ting der kan redde en dag som denne er at modtage pakker med disse skjorter fra Creme D� Silk. Jeg vil elske dem til jeg d�r og denne gang kan jeg love �n ting - de ryger p� lige s� hurtigt min skanky krop tillader det.

Well, I said that I would drop by last monday. That's not how it went. I'm down with a serious flu and a serious need to feel sorry for myself!
The only thing that really makes your day when you are sick is receiving packages with these shirts by Creme D� Silk. I will love them until I perish and this time I can give a damn good promise - I will wear them as soon as my sick body is nurtured back to health.

Business in the Front, Party in the Back...

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Warning! Warning! The mullet is back and it's making its way to a hemline near you... But fret not my friends, mullet clothing sounds more "Fubar" than it actually is. I for one plan on getting my fill of the trend over the next few months... And with super cheap-n-chic options to choose from, there's no reason not to jump on the bandwagon too! So grab an asymmetrical top, dress, or whatever you can get your hands on and repeat after me: it's mullet time!

Outfit details: silk blouse- Joe Fresh (borrowed from Kassie); skirt- Forever 21; bag- Michael Kors; pumps- Zara; necklace- Forever 21; watch- Michael Kors

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Wardrobe Wednesday...

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Sometimes you know you need to have something the moment you see it... And when it came to this tiger print cross body, it was love at first sight... Or should I say stripe? 

Happy Wednesday, lovelies! Stay tuned to see the rest of this outfit tomorrow... xx

Tiger print cross body- Michael Kors