Sunday, December 23, 2012

Fall Travels: Edinburgh and the Scottish Highlands

Hello again! I hope you're all having a wonderful holiday break, whatever holiday you're celebrating, or not. I'm enjoying a few days of San Francisco being largely emptied of people and a chance to relax and not do much of anything. Since this has given me a chance to get caught up with a few things, including going through my travel photos, I thought that for the next few posts I would (finally!) share some of my favorites from my recent trip to the UK and France.

Today's installment is from Edinburgh and the Scottish highlands, starting with the gorgeous view of Edinburgh Castle looming above Princes Park.

I spent Halloween exploring the eerie and beautiful cemetery around Greyfriars Kirkyard.

One of the focal points of the old town in Edinburgh is the stunning St. Giles Cathedral.

The view of Scott's Tower from the old town. If you look closely you can see the statue of Sir Walter Scott sitting in the center.

The statue of David Hume, and his well-loved toe.
It is well known that this man could out-consume both Schopenhauer and Hegel.

My tour of the Scottish highlands took me to this gorgeous overlook of Loch Tummel called The Queen's View. As you can see, the fall colors were still in all their glory, something that's particularly delightful to a Californian. I do love the fact that San Francisco is green all year, but we also don't get this sort of seasonal display either.

No Scottish tour would be complete without a little tasting of Scotch whisky, which I did at Dewar's World of Whisky.
Up next: York, England!

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